Los Angeles Pro Swim Team

Coming 2024!

Welcome to Swimphi Elite

The United States experiences a scarcity of elite swim teams. Consequently, high-level national and advanced masters swimmers lack affordable access to high-quality training and coaching.

We aim to solve this problem. In early 2024, we will launch our training program, situated at an Olympic-sized pool on the western side of Los Angeles, in close proximity to the 405 and 105 freeways. Our training sessions will take place in the mornings, lasting approximately 1.5 to 2 hours, from Monday to Saturday.

Our team comprises a close-knit group of exceptionally dedicated athletes who share a strong focus on their goals. Our program is specifically tailored for sprinters participating in the 50-meter and 100-meter events, with an emphasis on race pace training.

We are offering:

  • Access to the world’s best coaches

  • Video analysis above and below the water

  • State of the art facility

  • Specialized equipment

Athlete Inquiry

Serious swimmers please fill out your information below.